Please note, Aircraft Spruce Canada's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Aircraft Spruce Canada assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic.
Q: Will the Garmin GTX 345 (Part # 11-14175) interface a Garmin 430 (non-WAAS) and MX-20 MFD?
Yes, however you will not transmit ADS-B out. Please see part number 11-14177 for ADS-B compliance.
Q: Will the GTX-345 be able to display TIS-B traffic on a GNS-530W display?
Yes, the GTX 345 transponder will interface with the GNS-530W to display ADS-B In information including TIS-B traffic.
Q: Will Garmin still be selling the GDL88 or is this a replacement for the GDL88? To put it another way, does the GDL88 do anything that the GTX345 does not?
Yes, the GDL 88 is still available but can be replaced by the GTX 345. The GTX 345 offers the same features as the GDL 88.
Q: Will the GTX 345 be a plug and play replacement for the GTX 330?
The height and width of the transponders is the same so technically it will fit the same hole in the panel, however it will still require a new rack and connectors to be installed.
Q: Can I connect The Garmin GTX 345 Transponder to my 430waas to display traffic and weather? If so, can I stream to Foreflight as well?
Yes, the GTX 345 will interface with the Garmin 430W. The GTX 345 can also send the signal to an iPad running Foreflight with Connext link.
Q: Can FlightStream 210 be installed with the GTX 345 Transponder?
The Flightstream 210 can be used in conjunction with the GTX 345 to transfer flight plan information. This connection is done direct from the Garmin GPS and does not tie into the transponder.
Q: Can the traffic and weather outputs from the GTX 345 be displayed on a Garmin 496?
No, weather is not available on the 496 other than XM. Traffic will be limited to 8 targets when connected via the power data cable part number 11-02694. The GTX 345 has RS-232 outputs which can be wired to the power/data cable.
Q: Will the GTX 345 transponder be compatible with my Garmin GPSMAP 696?
No, as of 3/29/16 it is not compatible with the 696. Garmin is currently working on an interface solution.
Q: If I am already using a GDL-39 3D, will the non-GPS version of the GTX 345 talk to it (bluetooth) for GPS data?
The non-GPS version is only used if you already have a WAAS GPS installed. The GDL 39 3D and GTX 345 do not interface. The Bluetooth feature is for providing weather and traffic to a display unit only (ie iPad).
Q: I was thinking about getting a GDL-88 along with a Flight Stream 210. Now it seems like the GTX-345 might be the answer for my ADS-B Solution. If I read correctly, it provides FIS and TIS info as well as a backup attitude presentation on the Foreflight app. Does the GTX-345 also have the capability to transfer Flight Plan data between my 430W and Foreflight running on my iPad?
No, a Flightstream 210 will still be required.
Q: How many portable devices (i.e., tables) can you connect to the GTX 345 at one time using the Bluetooth/Connext wireless technology?
As of 2/10/16 Garmin allows for 2 devices to be connected simultaneously.
Q: NavWorx ADS-B has an AutoStealth mode. Their website states when flying VFR, there is no requirement to broadcast your ICAO identification information. So, when squawking 1200, their box sends random ICAO data. Does Garmin 345 have a similar feature?
Mode S transponders are not able to use anonymous mode, this is only available with UAT devices.
Q: Can the Garmin GTX 345 transponder use the same antenna as the Garmin 330 or will I need a new antenna? Also, does the 345 need two separate antennas or is it installed with one for all the features? I have a WAAS GPS installed already.
Yes, the transponder antenna is the same as the 330. The 345 only needs one transponder antenna if you already have WAAS GPS from another source.
Q: I have a Garmin Aera 660 with the GDL 39 3D. Will the Garmin GTX 345 be able to use the GPS position source from the 660?
No, since the Aera 660 is not an FAA Approved WAAS GPS source it cannot be used by the Garmin GTX 345.
Q: Can the traffic and weather from the Garmin 345 transponder be displayed on the Garmin Aera 660 without any other hardware?
If so, can the traffic and weather be shown on the map or would it be a stand alone page?
The GTX 345 has built-in Bluetooth and can wirelessly send ADS-B data directly to Aera 660.
Q: I have a Non-WASS GNS530. Can I use the GTX345 with WASS and connect it to the 530 so that it displays ADS-B traffic and weather? Will the GNS530 be WASS capable when connected to the GTX345?
Per Garmin, customer would need to send the 530 in for upgrade to display weather.
Q: My ELT (an Artex ELT 345) needs GPS position information via RS-232. Can the WAAS-equipped GTX-345 supply that information via one if its serial ports?
Garmin recommends connecting your ELT with a GPS such as the Aera 660 or GTN 650.
Q: Will the Garmin GTX 345 transponder include the rack and connectors?
Yes, the Garmin GTX 345 includes the new rack and connectors needed for the install.
Q: What temperature probe do you hook up to the Garmin GTX345 to be able to get density altitude?
You will need the Davtron probe found under p/n 10-00653.
Q: What is the transmit RF power out on the Garmin GTX345 transponder?
Per Garmin: 125 W min at antenna, with max 2db cable loss, 250 W nominal at unit.
Q: Will the GTX-345 display traffic and basic ADS-B weather to an experimental Chelton IDU-1 display? Can the GTX-345 accept position source information from a fully upgraded WAAS GNS-480?
The GTX 345 has Bluetooth capabilities. At this time, only Garmin displays are compatible. The 345 will accept position source from the GNS-480 so long as the software is fully updated.
Q: Will the GTX 345 interface with my GNS 480 & MX 20 Including TIS-B traffic with weather?
The 345 will accept position source from the GNS-480 so long as the software is fully updated. This unit will succesfully interface with both the GNS 480 and MX 20 for ADS-B compliance.
Q: When ForeFlight is connected to the GTX 345, will it display synthetic vision or do you still have to use the stratus 2S to access synthetic vision on the iPad?
Yes, the Foreflight app will display synthetic vision from the GTX 345.
Q: I currently have installed a GTX 327. Will I need to change the entire rack or just the backplate to install the GTX 345 transponder?
You will need to change the entire rack and backplate.
Q: What size circuit breaker is recommended for the Garmin GTX-345 w/GPS?
Per the installation manual, 3 amp.
Q: With a Garmin GTX 345 providing ADS-B In information to a Garmin 796, can the ADS-B In weather be turned off and just receive traffic position data? And assuming that can be done, then receive weather information through XM only?
Per the manufacturer, yes you can pair both ADS-B and XM data utilizing the Bluetooth ADS-B and the GXM 42 antenna.
Q: If I have a GTN 650, would there be any reason to install the GTX 345 with GPS in it? Or would that just be wasting money?
No, if you have the GTN 650, you can use that as your WAAS GPS source to make your aircraft ADS-B in and out compliant. No reason other than redundancy to buy the "with GPS" version.
Q: Does the GTX 345 require an additional antenna to receive ADS-B Weather since that is considered Line of Sight?
How does it receive weather from ground stations?
No, the GTX 345 does not require an additional antenna to receive the "ADS-B in" weather and traffic signals. It is built-in to the box and once powered on and receiving line of sight feeds from the ADS-B towers, it can Bluetooth the information directly to a Garmin 795/796/660 GPS or iPad running Garmin Pilot or Foreflight.
The GTX 345 with GPS is ADS-B out compliant right out of the box. The GTX 345 without GPS requires an approved WAAS GPS position source in order to be ADS-B out compliant.
Q: Will the Garmin GTX 345 provide GPS data (position) information via Bluetooth to the 796 or will the 796 require its own WAAS antenna?
No, since the Garmin 796 has it's own internal WAAS antenna, there is no need for the GTX 345 to send GPS data to the 796.
Q: Instead of using Bluetooth, can I hardwire an RS 232 line from the 345 to my Aera 660 to display ADSB traffic, weather and the AHARS data for synthetic vision? If so, can I then still use Bluetooth to send data to my IPad running Garmin Pilot?
Yes, you can do this. You will need part # 10-06028 to wire the GTX 345 to the Aera 660.
Q: If I purchase a Garmin 345 GTX, does it replace the need for a Stratus II, with Foreflight?
The GTX 345 is both ADS-B in and out. It has a built in Bluetooth to pair with an iPad or other device for your ADS-b in data. Both the Garmin Pilot App and Foreflight Mobile apps are supported and will work with the ADS-B out signal sent from the GTX 345.
Q: What is the difference between the two harnesses availabe for the Garmin GTX 345 transponder? One says 4 foot harness and the other says custom harness.
The 4 foot harness model is a standard, stocked harness that is 4 foot leads for power, ground, RS-232, config module, audio out, dimmer and keep alive, external ident, and squawk switch. It is essentially the included parts in the connector kit wired with 4 foot leads. The custom harness allows you to choose the length of each lead. This is necessary for custom installs where 4 feet of wire may not be enough to reach the destination of the leads. Once you add the unit with custom harness to the cart, you will be asked to fill in the lengths of the various leads.
Q: Can the GTX 345 display traffic on a Dynon D180?
The FlightDEK-D180 has no provisions for displaying traffic or weather.
Q: Das the GTX345 with GPS (P/N 010-01216-41) come with the GPS antenna included?
The kit with GPS (PN 11-14177 or 11-14178) includes a GA35 antenna.
Q: IF I buy the GTX345, part #11-14177 (transponder+GPS), what GPS antenna do I have to buy? Can you specify a part number for the GPS antenna? Do I also need a second, standard transponder antenna installed?
The GTX 345 with GPS comes with the GA 35 antenna. You will also need a standard transponder antenna.
Q: I am interested in installing the GTX 345 with a GTN 650 and aera 796. I also have foreflight on my iPad. Will the GTX 345 display weather and traffic on all or do I have to purchase connext? can this be hard wired (except iPad) or does it bluetooth to all? Will I need a seperate GPS antenna or will the GTN 650 antenna be enough ?
The GTN 650 comes with a GA 35 WAAS GPS antenna which covers the requirements for the WAAS GPS source on the GTX 345 end. The GTX 345 has a built in bluetooth module that will allow you to pair to the 796 and iPad. If you want to hardwire the 796, you'll need the power data cable found under p/n 11-10044. The GTX 345 will receive ADS-B in information providing traffic and weather data to the 796 and iPad.
Q: If I connect the GTX 345 to the GTN 650 will I still need an encoder? If I do will I be able to use my existing encoder (narco AT 155). Is an encoder still required if you meet ADS B requirements?
Yes, you need an encoder to be hooked up to your GTX 345. It is recommended that you either use a RS-232 encoder or the Garmin altitude encode designed for the GTX 3x5 series. This can be found under part # 11-14162.
Q: Will the Garmin GTX 345 connect with my Garmin 696 to display weather and traffic?
Unfortunately not. The 696 will not interface with the GTX 345.
Q: Is the GTX 345 compatible with the G3X display? Meaning, will the GTX 345 provide ads-b in to a G3X display? Can the G3X displays integrated transponder controls control the GTX 345?
Yes, although, it will not communicate on the canbus. The GTX 345 will need to communicate with the G3X screen via an RS232 data line.
Q: Can the Garmin GTX 345 with GPS interface with JPI EDM 900 for fuel needed to destination calculations?
Yes, the GTX 345 can interface with the EDM 900 for fuel to destination. A recent software update enabled RS-232 GPS communication to additional devices which would be a compatible input for the EDM 900.
Q: Will the GTX 345 (GPS) work with the G3X-GDU 370/375 ?
The GDU 370/375 is an older G3X screen and does not support this transponder for ads-b out. With this screen system you will need the GTX 23 ES plus the GPS 20A and GA35 WAAS antenna.
Q: Can I replace my existing GTX 335 / GTN 650 combination with a 345 by just "plug and play" or is there any hardware change?
No. The GTX 345 is not a slide-in replacement for the GTX 335, you will have to mount a new rack and new harness.
Q: Can the Garmin GTX345 be programmed through the unit iteself or do you need Garmin software on your laptop to program it? (such as the Garmin install tool)
This unit can be configured on the display itself or it can be configured through a computer running the config tool. It can do both.
Q: I understand the 345 will display on an i pad via bluetooth. However, I am an Android user. Will the 345 display on my Tablet similarly to the display on an i pad. If so what additional resources are required, ie subscriptions, hardware, etc?
Per the manufacturer, The models below with Android version 4.4 (KitKat) and above are supported.
Google Nexus devices
Samsung Galaxy devices
Q: Will the Garmin GTX345 allow me to transfer flight plans from Foreflight or Pilot to my GNS 530 WAAS?
You will need the Garmin Flightstream 210 to transfer flight plans to the GNS 530W.
Q: If i install a GTX 335 without the GPS Antenna, do i need the GDL88 or an other GPS Source?
If you do not install the GPS antenna, you will need to use a WAAS GPS source in order for the transponder to function properly.
Q: I would like to know: what difference there is between buying 11-14175 and 11-09701 or buying 11-14177?
Part # 11-14175 does not have the input to connect the antenna directly. 11-14177 can connect to the antenna directly. if you order 11-14175, the WAAS GPS signal will come from a WAAS GPS panel mount unit.
Q: If I mount a GTX345, do I need any kind of software or hardware in order to view traffic infos on my GTN650 display?
The GTX345 comes preprogrammed with ADS-B in. As long as it is installed properly, you will be able to see weather and traffic information on your GTN.
Q: Will the GTX-345 be able to display TIS-B traffic and FIS-B weather on a Garmin G300 display (Cessna 162 Skycatcher) ?
Per Garmin, no, this will not work.
Q: Does this GTX 345 have a TSO tag? Is the unit TSO from Garmin?
Yes the GTX 345 is FAA TSO approved. There is a data plate on the side of the transponder.
Q: If the GTX-345 replaces a Garmin GTX-330, do the rack and cables need to be replaced, and if it is connected to a NON-WAAS Garmin GNS-430, does a second different GPS antenna need to also be installed? Can the ADS-B traffic from the GTX-345 be displayed on the GNS-430, does the GTX-345 adversely affect the present TIS-A display on the GNS-430 in any way? Can or how does one display weather information with only having the GTX-345 and GNS-430 (non-WAAS).
Yes, this will require a new install. Also, because the GTX 345 requires a WAAS GPS signal, the WAAS antenna will be required. An option that may be available, depending on the serial number is upgrading the GNS 430 to have WAAS and then get 11-14175 which is the GTX without GPS and use the now GNS 430W to feed the GPS signal.
Q: Will the GTX 345 with gps display ADSB IN on a 530 Non waas?
Per the installation manual Rev.14, this transponder does not list the GNS530 as an approved display for TIS.
Q: Can the GTX 345 with GPS send a GPS input to an ELT?
Per the manufacturer, yes, the GTX 345 can provide GPS data to the ELT.
Q: If i buy new Garmin 175 010-01822-50, which 345 model number is correct to combine with it? In order to have everything needs without problem for connection for ADS-B
And there is any antenna o connector to add that doesnt came with gps175kit and 345kit?
Thank you
You can purchase the WAAS GPS version for redundancy as a backup GPS or you can get it without GPS and depend on the GPS175 for that data.
Q: What transponder antenna does the GTX 345 requires for a fiberglass composite aircraft?
The recommended antenna would be the CI 105 11-17965.
Q: Will the GTX345 interface with a GTN625?
Yes, you can interface these two units.
Q: Does the unit only version come with mounting rack, connectors and backplate?
Yes, it will include these items.
Q: Does the part number 010-01216-46 include the GA 35 GPS antenna?
No, this unit does not include the GA35 antenna. This one does not have the built in GPS receiver and requires a panel mount WAAS GPS for its signal.
Q: I currently have a GTX330 ES, GTN 650, and Dual G3X - interfaced to GDL50R for ADSB. Will the GTX 345 replace my GDL50R and GTX330 ES providing ADSB data to both the GTN 650 and the G3X?
Yes, it is capable of doing so.
Q: I have a Garmin 400 WAAS interfaced with my GTX 330es and my GRT HXr EFIS. This configuration works beautifully for ADSB Out and TIS-!. I assume replacing my 330es with a GTX 345 would be a simple plug-n-play with maybe some mods to my wiring.
Changing to the GTX 345 would require changing the tray and modifying and adding wire. It will not be plug and play as the tray is different.
Q: Part 11-14177: are you allowed to sell this over the counter?
It can only be sold over-the-counter for experimental aircraft installation. We cannot sell over the counter for certified aircraft.
Q: Does it support Diversity? What additional hardware is required to support both US and Canadian ADSB?
Per Garmin: "No , the GTX 345 010-01216-06 does not have diversity. You will need to order the following diversity transponder 010-01775-01"
Q: Will the RAMI AV-22 XPDR ANTENNA TSO Part# AV-22 MFR Model# AV-2 work with the GTX 345?
Yes the AV-22 would work with the Garmin 345.
Q: Will the GTX 345 display traffic info on a non-touch Garmin GDU 370 screen?
Yes, The GTX 345 will display traffic on the GDU 370 screen.