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MYGOFLIGHT iPad Pro 11 Gen 1 Sport Kneeboard / Mountable Case

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Part# 13-22347
MFR Model# KNE-1255


The iPad Kneeboard/Mountable Case is the perfect aviation kneeboard, mount and everyday case for the iPad. It is designed for the pilot looking to secure their iPad to their leg or for the pilot that prefers to mount their iPad. The black, smooth polycarbonate adds protection and great feel to the iPad. Take your iPad from air to office to home. It is perfect for pilots of all aircraft. This product fits the iPad Pro 11".

Mounts Sold Separately


  • Cockpit Ready
  • Quick Connect
  • 360° Rotation
  • Sport Mount Compatible
  • Accessories
  • Frequently Purchased With
  • Customers Also Viewed


This product does not fit the iPad Pro 11 properly and the support provided by the manufacturer is dismal at best. Purchased originally in may, and still no clear resolution yet. Avoid this product at all costs until they can elevate their quality control in the Chinese factory the plastic holder is manufactured in.

July 27, 2022


Please note, Aircraft Spruce Canada's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Aircraft Spruce Canada assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic.

Q: Does this product come with the leg strap and does it allow Apple Pencil support (is the top side of the iPad case open allowing the pencil to charge)?

The strap is included. There is no Apple Pencil support.

Q: Will this work on the iPad pro 11 2nd generation?

Yes, this will work.

Q: Will this work for the i-pad 9th generation?

No this will not work for that gen iPad. MGF does not currently offer a similar case for that generation.

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