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12/34 Miracle Formula Lubricant - 11 Oz Aerosol

$21.55/Spray Can
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Part# 09-04443


Meets MIL Spec MIL-C-23411

12/34 MIRACLE FORMULA® has the most effective ALL-IN-ONE formulation on the market today. Its lubricating, moisture displacing, penetrating and corrosion prevention is unsurpassed in any single product type of its kind. Don't accept substitutes, ask for 12/34 MIRACLE FORMULA® by name.
  1. LUBRICATES: Contains highly refined lubricants which provide superior protection and anti-wear properties.
  2. REMOVES MOISTURE: Moisture is lifted and displaced rather than trapped. Pores and crevices of surface are freed from moisture and are coated with a thin non-greasy film that prevents additional moisture from clinging or reentering.
  3. PENETRATES: Rusted and frozen metal parts - nuts, bolts, studs, pins, etc. - are easily loosened by means of superior "creepability".
  4. PREVENTS RUST & CORROSION: Thin film adheres to metallic surfaces, providing positive temporary protection against the formation of rust and corrosion, including electrolysis and galvanic corrosion common in salt environments.
Industries currently using 12/34®
  • Aviation
  • Aerospace
  • Military
  • Marine
  • Automotive
  • Agricultural
  • Oil Drilling
  • Electronics
  • H.V.A.C.
  • Homeowners
Originally developed to protect materials in storage and to reclaim materials that has been damaged by weather and salt water exposure. Much of this work was done for the Navy and aircraft industry in corrosion control and rust removal. So successful was the work in the field that the expansion of 12/34® into industrial applications was inevitable. Rust has been called the Navy's second most formidable enemy. 12/34® has been enlisted in the control of corrosion and removal of rust in hundreds of shipboard and shore installations applications. Light aluminum sections and component parts for the aircraft industry have been similarly well protected by 12/34®'s ability to stop corrosive oxidation. Treatment of materials prior to storage can reduce handling costs and maintain such materials until ready for processing. Since no preparatory cleaning is necessary, they may be fed immediately into the production line. And, all materials treated with 12/34® will maintain their resistance to corrosion through manufacture and subsequent shipment.

12/34® is a four function liquid that will REMOVE MOISTURE, PREVENT RUST, PENETRATE AND LUBRICATE. Upon application by aerosol, brush or dipping, 12/34® deposits inhibitors into the grain areas of metal, thereby removing any existing moisture and providing a thin molecular film against further moisture penetration. This invisible micro film remaining after evaporation permits wide latitude of applications, from heavy machinery to intricate instruments & electric boxes.

Dissolves Rust, Displace Moisture, Penetrates And Lubricates


  • 12/34® Non-Flammable
  • 12/34® is easy to use - No mixing or diluting.
  • 12/34® is economical -aerosol coverage 30-40 sq. ft.
  • (1 Gal covers 4000-5000 sq. ft.)
  • 12/34® can be used on Steel, Brass, Aluminum, Solder,
  • Copper, Magnesium and other common metals
  • 12/34® contains NO silicones, kerosene or acrylics
  • 12/34® is harmless to paint


  • Water Displacement 24 days, 100°F - NO RUST
  • Corrosion - Oven Temp 158°F for 30 days - NO RUST
  • Appearance of film after 24 hrs drying - No cracks or breaks
  • Flash Point of 178°F
  • Pour Point of -40°F
  • Abrasives - None



So far looks good

Alfredo C Verified Purchase

12/34 Miracle Formula Lubricant

December 17, 2024

Marine application. Very high grade material

John B Verified Purchase

12/34 Miracle Formula Lubricant

September 9, 2022

Has great lubricating and penetrating, dissolves rust. I use it on my tools to protect them from weather. Spray on electrical connections to maintain connectivity.

Donald S
January 24, 2021

My grandfather used to make this stuff while smoking a cigarette for 20 years when armite labs was down on Randolph in Huntington park area. They used very high quality oils in this stucc

November 17, 2020

This is far superior to WD-40 or any other spray lubricant.

June 19, 2020

great lube

Ron K
September 28, 2019

12|34 Miracle Formula is the best penetrating liquid Ive ever used - better than WD-40. Its military grade, and you will notice a remarkable difference.

March 14, 2019


Please note, Aircraft Spruce Canada's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Aircraft Spruce Canada assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic.

Q: Does 12/34 Miracle pray contain fish oil?

No it does not.

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